Reliance Netconnect Broadband+ in Linux

Setting Up your Reliance Netconnect Broadband+ connection in Linux

Posted on: May 1, 2009


This is a basically just a simple guide on how to use your Reliance Netconnect Broadband+ connection in Linux . I myself am no expert in Linux ,but I managed to configure and connect  my Reliance Evdo in Linux quiet easily .

Ok enough talk lets cut to the chase !

So here’s what you do .

Stuff you Require

1.      USB modem/Data Card with activated connection along with your password and username.

2.      Machine with Linux installed

3.      Linux OS CD

4.      wvdial ( A generic software client in Linux)

To install wvdial

a) If you do have an alternate internet connection in Linux . Open a terminal and type in

sudo apt-get install wvdial (with your alternate internet activated)

b) If you don’t have an alternate internet connection

Go to System->Administration->software sources. Add cd as a source and close . Insert your Linux OS CD .Now open a terminal and type in

sudo apt-get install wvdial


Activating your connection

1)       First get your connection activated and connect it to the internet using a windows or an Apple machine . Open up a web page just to make sure that its active .

Pre-Configuration Procedures

2)      Boot up Linux

3)      Open up a terminal  and key in su (Stands for Super user and it gives you administrative privileges )

4)      Plugin your USB modem and unplug any other devices you have installed (including any wired/wireless internet connections you may have).

5)      Next key in lsusb (This command lists all the usb devices currently connected to your system )

Your output should be similar to this

Bus 005 Device 001: ID 1d6b:0002 Linux Foundation 2.0 root hub
Bus 004 Device 001: ID 1d6b:0001 Linux Foundation 1.1 root hub
Bus 003 Device 001: ID 1d6b:0001 Linux Foundation 1.1 root hub
Bus 002 Device 001: ID 1d6b:0001 Linux Foundation 1.1 root hub
Bus 001 Device 004: ID 12d1:1412 Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. 
Bus 001 Device 001: ID 1d6b:0001 Linux Foundation 1.1 root hub

It may vary slightly depending on your modem make (Huawei or quallcom).

6)    Make sure to note down the number that you get . Here for example it would be 12d1:1412

7) Next key in  modprobe usbserial vendor=0x12d1 product=0x1412  ,

make sure that the number you enter for your vendor and product are the number you got for your lsusb command.

Configuring software client wvdial

Now we are going to use wvdial in Linux to connect to the internet .wvdial is just a generic internet client which can be used to connect to any internet connection that requires dialing . For example : your landline Dialup connection or in our case a mobile broadband internet  Its kind of like an all purpose internet client software.

8 ) open up wvdial’s configuration file using this command

gedit /etc/wvdial.conf
9) Paste the below code into the window that pops up ( make sure to enter your relevant details ).

[Dialer Defaults]

Init1 = ATZ

Init2 = ATQ0 V1 E1 S0=0 &C1 &D2 +FCLASS=0

Stupid Mode = 1

Modem Type = USB Modem

ISDN = 0

Phone = #777

New PPPD = yes

Modem = /dev/ttyUSB0 (This may also be dev/ttyUSB2 depending on where you plugged in your device)

Username = 9xxxxxxxxxx (your username, should be a number )

Password = 9xxxxxxxxxx (Your password , should be the same number)

CBaud = 460800

Delete all the comments in the brackets . The fields you should edit are Modem , Username and password the only ones with comment .

Save and exist .

10) That’s it ! your done , that was simple was nt it ?

Fire up a new Terminal and key in sudo wvdial , enter your root password in the password prompt . it should generate a long list of codes finally ending with Primary DNS Secondary DNS . If it does you have got your connection working successfully  ! enjoy.

Closing your connection :

You can disconnect your client by selecting your terminal and pressing  Ctrl+C

Note : Before you open up a web page make sure to check that File->Work offline mode is not selected in your firefox . Otherwise FF will not open up web pages even when you are connected to the internet !

Note 2: If you are a newbie its most likely that you have nt yet got your internet connection going , don’t worry keep trying you may only have made small mistakes somewhere. If you want any help just leave in your questions as comments here .

I ll put up a simple trouble shooting tutorial in one of my future posts .

24 Responses to "Setting Up your Reliance Netconnect Broadband+ connection in Linux"

hi …..i have configured reliance broaband+ in my RHEL 5 …but i m unable to open any webpage in firefox… is working …propraly…but webpage could not open…geting pls help it out of this……..

Please check whether your Firefox is in “work Offline mode”

File>Work offline should not be checked . If it is uncheck it

Also check my Firefox Work offline bug post !

Hope it works now

can ne1 tell me how to switch modes in linux…i.e. hybrid or broadband mode…

Hi! I tried that in Kubuntu 9.10 . But when i executed ,

gedit /etc/wvdial.conf

It said that i need to get it.
How do I do that ????

wvdial is not present in Ubuntu/Kubuntu Karmic Koala by default . so you would have to download it separately in your windows or some other machine and then install it .

I have presented the links for download and “how to” in this post . please check it out

Connecting Reliance Netconnect Broadband+ in Ubuntu Karmic Koala 9.10


I am struggling for some days… but after doing all these things still I am getting the following messages —

–> No Carrier! Trying again.
–> Sending: ATDT#777
–> Waiting for carrier.

and obviously net is not connected… please let me know what to do… i am hopeless with 9.10… 😦 😦 😦

Thanks in advance


Try changing Modem option from USB0 to USB1,USB2 etc
For Example :
“Modem = /dev/ttyUSB1”

Hi !
thanks for this helpful tutorial.
i have done as you have said.
but seem to be some differences which are perhaps the reason why i am not able to connect (and get the DNS server address etc) inspite of following your format.

first, when i make the changes in wvdial.conf , it does allow me to save these changes. to work my way around this, i saved it as a separate file (Reliance_wvdial) on my desktop.

however, when i ran the sudo wvdial command i got the following messages at the end-

–> Modem initialized.
–> Configuration does not specify a valid phone number.
–> Configuration does not specify a valid login name.
–> Configuration does not specify a valid password.

i suspect that it is not even reading the file i have saved on my desktop as Reliance_wvdial . This is where i have put in all the settings you recommend.
The reason is that the wvdial window that comes up when i type gedit /etc/wvdial.conf in a Terminal window says that it is a Read Only file and therefore i am forced to save it as another file on the desktop.
finally, i am not sure that i have installed the package files any particular order. i think i installed wvdial first and then the base, extra and iconf packages. perhaps this is the source of the problem?
desperately want to connect,
please help!

Apologies , there is a minor mistake in my tutorial . Use the command “gksudo gedit /etc/wvdial.conf” . It will allow you to edit the wvdial configuration file .

Hi, I tried the above steps on ubuntu 9.10,I am using huawei ec1260 reliance device, everything went fine till the last step 10, where it is showing the following error.

durga@durga-laptop:~$ sudo wvdial
–> WvDial: Internet dialer version 1.60
–> Cannot get information for serial port.
–> Initializing modem.
–> Sending: ATZ
–> Sending: ATQ0
–> Re-Sending: ATZ
–> Modem not responding.

What might be the problem….? can you help me from this

“Cannot get information for serial port”
seems like your modem is plugged into a different port
Try changing this option “Modem = /dev/ttyUSB0” to USB1 , USB2 etc .

–> No Carrier! Trying again.
–> Sending: ATDT#777
–> Waiting for carrier.

I have followed all steps that were mentioned above. The above mentioned lines are being shown when I typed “sudo wvdial” command.
I have deleted the existing file content after “gedit /etcwvdial.conf” and replaced with the content given by you and followed the instructions given in the brackets and deleted brackets contents.
I could not get the reliance broadband net connected. Any suggestions?


Thank you for the tip! It works perfectly fine in my Karmic Koala, though I have Huawai modem.. So I had to just change the modem ID which comes after lsusb.
Keep the good work up bro!

Your welcome 🙂

Thank you very much for taking the trouble of writing such a detailed post. worked like a charm…thanks

Your welcome . Helping is what the Linux community is all about 😉 .

I can’t configure the wvdial file.It says read only.I’ve logged in as the administrator.What should i do?


Use “gksudo gedit /etc/wvdial.conf” command to open wvdial .

I tried on ZTE modem… on ubuntu 9.10…
It says bad Init2 – bad init string.
I commented the line and retried it.
However, it says

stefan@sehnsucht:~$ sudo wvdial
–> WvDial: Internet dialer version 1.60
–> Cannot get information for serial port.
–> Initializing modem.
–> Sending: ATZ
–> Modem initialized.
–> Sending: ATDT#777
–> Waiting for carrier.
–> Carrier detected. Starting PPP immediately.
–> Starting pppd at Mon May 10 21:27:26 2010
–> Pid of pppd: 3166
–> Using interface ppp0

— And it connects…

However, I am not sure why it shows “Cannot get information on serial port”

Any ideas?

Most likely you have plugged the device in a different USB port . when using wvdial , you should make sure that the device is plugged into the US port that you have entered in your wvdial configuration file.

I am getting the error
jyoti@jyoti-laptop:/dev$ sudo wvdial
–> WvDial: Internet dialer version 1.60
–> Cannot open /dev/ttyUSB0: No such file or directory
–> Cannot open /dev/ttyUSB0: No such file or directory
–> Cannot open /dev/ttyUSB0: No such file or directory

Seems like theres an error in your wvdial config settings . In your wvdial config just check the entry for “Modem” . should be something like “Modem = /dev/ttyUSB0”

–> Cannot open /dev/ttyUSB0: No such file or directory
–> Cannot open /dev/ttyUSB0: No such file or directory
–> Cannot open /dev/ttyUSB0: No such file or directory

Sometimes the modem part of the data card is not detected.
I suggest you to open two bash teminals
(Without inserting datacard in to USB)
on one tail -f /var/log/messages or /var/log/syslog which ever applicable. Hit the enter key few time to leave some gap to distinguish

Now insert datacard in to USB port.. check entries on ‘tail -f’ terminal.
If it shows /debv/ttyUSBxx then your modem is detected. And you are good to go with ‘sudo wvdial’.
If it doesnt and shows only CD-ROM or some media storage related entries, then only SD-Card and Built-in memory part is detected — if u execute wvdial then you see the output ‘/dev/ttyUSB0: No such file or directory’

Dear All,

I am using reliance netconnect (ZTE AC-2726 modem). This will support under 2.6.28-11-generic(Ubuntu 9.04) or (Jolicloud) using

libaudio2_1.9.1-1_i386.deb and
CrossPlatformUI-V1.0-27-RelianceHSD-i386-Ubuntu.deb (Dialup)

In case of Jolicloud, it comes with libaudio2 latest version, you need to remove it and install the above.

For Ubuntu 9.04 just you install the above 2 .deb file and then you can connect with the same dialup which you use in windows.

I am using Ubuntu 9.04 with reliance netconnect for the past one year (with out running OS updates) 😉

Great and thanks for the info. Reliance broadband works fine now on Ubuntu 9.04

after giving the following commands
sudo modprobe usbserial vendor=0x12d1 product=0×1446
I am getting following error
FATAL: Error inserting usbserial (/lib/modules/2.6.32-24-generic/kernel/drivers/usb/serial/usbserial.ko): Invalid argument


you can generate a wvdial.conf using wvdial’s own utility. It will detect the modem and set it. All you have to do is enter username password and the remote number to connect to (#777)

If /etc/wvdial.conf exists, then
$ sudo mv /etc/wvdial.conf ~/ (will move the file to your home)

Now if you are sure that Linux detected the modem part .. you will know by checking messages log or syslog log file or by dmesg. If you find lines containing /dev/ttyUSBxx then its has found it. So you are ready to self-generate wvdial.conf
$ sudo wvdialconf [enter]
it will self test the modem and create a config for you in /etc/wvdial.conf. You know what to enter in here !

good luck!

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  • None
  • Diabolic Preacher: any way of making the ZTE linux driver working w/ a 64 bit ubuntu install?
  • anup: BTW you can generate a wvdial.conf using wvdial's own utility. It will detect the modem and set it. All you have to do is enter username password a
  • anup: –> Cannot open /dev/ttyUSB0: No such file or directory –> Cannot open /dev/ttyUSB0: No such file or directory –> Cannot open /dev/tty